Monday 9 March 2009

Word from Father: Draw on My water! .... surprised by joy!

July 3, 2002

Dear Heavenly Father,
I love You. You know how much I want to know You. Help me to press on to know You! (Hosea 6:3)

Thank You for surely responding!

Speak to me, Father. Clear my mind of all that is not from You, and let me clearly hear Your voice – and act and obey!

(like resting – Your word yesterday – instead of madly making plans in my own strength). I’m listening! Okay…

Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Cleanse my heart, O Lord…

… I love you, oh My child. Rest in Me. Draw near to Me. Come right into My Presence. Let Me surround you. Rest your tired body and soul in My arms of love. Draw from my strength as the woman drew water from the well of Samaria. Draw on My Water and never thirst again. Let Me fill you with the eternal love and joy and peace of my Spirit. Rest girl.

…. Yes, Lord. Moment by moment. A sip at a time – or sometimes a great, cold, bubbling, refreshing draught! Joy! Whirling and twirling. Dancing with joy in Your Presence. True ecstasy. True love and passion! AGAPE – Your love, Father, Son, Holy Spirit!

“And she whirled and she twirled and she tangoed…” All those small glimpses of joy in my past… even in sordid situations… always pointing me, pointing me, pointing me… into the Presence of my God, my Lord, The ONE! “Surprised by joy!” Praise God!

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