Friday, 13 March 2009

Going down from Horeb's mountaintop... into the battle... but also on to the Promised Land

September 21, 2008

Lately I've been a bit "worried" that life for me has been so simple lately... though I do think part of it is that I'm just a lot more relaxed and trusting in You and not planning ahead and not being driven by my personal big hopes and expectations... but it true that my life is so much simpler than it was when my kids were teens...

And then on the back of yesterday's church bulletin it says, "If God allowed us to live on the 'mountaintop,' we would not experience trials, but neither would we achieve any victories... The mountain is an enticing place to set up camp... At times God will graciously provide you a mountaintop experience... You may wish you could spend the rest of your life basking in the glow of your encounter with God. But remember, these mountaintop encounters are God's way of preparing you for the battles that await you." (Blackaby Ministries International).

And it's true, in the past when these pleasant lulls (or even "spiritual highs") occurred, I was pretty sure that there was a storm coming... and there was! But now I feel more like there is an adventure coming, and that I am for sure going to need all Your strength and guidance - but I am not worried but rather excited to see what You are going to do. It used to be I was worried about me and what You wanted (or just what I wanted!) me to do... and that was exhausting...

But this is different. This is Your purposes and plans, and I'm just along for the ride, joining in on Your journey and work as You desire - with Your provisions of physical, spiritual, emotional strength, time, resources, etc. So "bring it on," Lord. You know if/ when I've been "long enough at the mountain" as that article was entitled. "The LORD our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: 'You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.' (Deut 1:6)"

By the way, in a sense I feel like I've been at the mountain for a long time... and like Horeb, the mountain experience only ENDED with a bit of a rest... what about the rumblings and smoke and fire that terrified the people... and Moses going without food and water 40 days and really experiencing the "fear of the LORD" up there on the mountain - and discovering the "still small voice" in the midst of the earthquake and storm - and meeting God face-to-face (or at least God's back) which was such a powerful experience that his whole face was aglow and he had to cover it with a veil - and then the crushing anger and disappointment of coming down the mountain to be faced with the people's rebellion (including Aaron's) and the golden calf...

and then the long months of exacting work building the tabernacle... and the endless daily drudge of handling/ judging the people's problems... and the work of writing out the laws and teaching them to a people who weren't really receptive - and then, after they did leave Horeb, anticipating the entry into the Promised Land, only to end up having to wander the desert for years and years after the ill-report of the 10 spies... and in the end, losing his own chance to enter because his frustration got the best of him...

Yes, leaving Horeb was going to battle... spiritually and eventually literally to actually enter the Promised Land (well, at least the Promised Land we will enter won't be stained with sin, because we no longer will be in this fleshly place..) But Horeb itself, with all its glories, wasn't perfect either... lots of trouble there too... But thank God for the glories along the way! And for His Presence in the pillars of fire and smoke that did not fail until the Jordan was crossed and the Promised Land entered.

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