Tuesday 10 March 2009

I want to reach people for You!

August 18, 2003

Thank You for what the pastor reminded us of, from Your Word. Transformation in my home will come from You, but You will use me. When Your Holy Spirit is in me, Your presence (through the Spirit) covering me becomes the covering for the home. You start with individuals to then reach families, communities, and the world. Oh dear Lord, I want our little home to become a lighthouse - even here in the next two weeks, and then in our new home - to the uttermost parts of the world.

Lord, as soon as I saw our new home I saw it as the center - the spoke - of a mission field. I want my home to be like John Mark's mother's home, a place where people will know the church meets there. I want people getting saved in my home. I want to be violent for the kingdom of God. I want the doors of my house, and my life, to be wide open. I want my home to be a center of hospitality for Christian travellers passing through.

I want to go out into the highways and byways and compel people to come in to meet Jesus. I want to bring sinners to my Saviour. Thank You Lord, for sharing Your great vision with me through the faithful preaching and teaching of Your servants, and through Your Word and Your Spirit in my life. I want to get up and run out into the strets and bring people, all those poor lost sinners, to You, who created them and love them.

I love to hear Your voice, Lord, to recognize Your voice speaking to me through Your Word, through Your preachers, through Your Spirit, to me. Wow! Praise God! I do hear God speak to me. How could I ever doubt or wonder if God is real? Get behind me, satan. You are the liar of all time! God alone - Father, Son, Spirit - is forever, eternal, all powerful, all knowing, all loving ad caring. Praise God's holy Name. I am chosen!!!!

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