Thursday 12 March 2009

How can we come to see that Jesus is our senior pastor and head shepherd?

March 1, 2007

About "our church" Lord... What "structure" are You creating and building, Lord? How can we come to see that Jesus is our senior pastor and head shepherd? How can we let go and let You be the head of Your church, and trust You to be able to "be in charge"? Isn't that what You want?

Like what Pastor ___ read last night from Acts 4... when Peter and John were released by the Sanhedrin, the first thing they did was go to the brethren and all of them called out to You! They didn't have a "planning and vision" meeting, or a "structure" meeting, or a "pastoral search team" meeting. They just went straight to the head pastor, the "Lord who is my shepherd." And turned it all over to You, and let You work it out! Because it is Your church and You do all things well! You are God alone! In charge!

O dear Heavenly Father, please open our eyes to see that!

It isn't about buildings, and people who have the "final responsibility" or anything like that. It is just Your people, coming together before You in awe and worship, with hearts -- eyes, ears, spirits -- open to Your Spirit, with "selves" crucified in deep repentance and humility... just open and willing -- and longing -- to do Yours works, Your way, Your timing, Your will alone, dear Heavenly Father, through the shed blood of Jesus our Saviour and Lord and King, by the power and guidance and comfort of Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ and of God! In Jesus' name! Amen!

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