Thursday 12 March 2009

High scores on the church's "love index" survey... but where is the proof in our lives?

December 20, 2006

Lord, I want to thank You for our ladies' Bible study yesterday. It went so - well, so directed of You, I believe. We really talked honestly about our hearts' desire to "step out" to put love into action.

____ talked about how on the church survey the "love index" was so high - but how could we be such a "loving church" (as we always record ourselves) and yet be so low on the indexes that prove love? We talked about how we define love, and about whether it is truly the servant-love, the love that willingly turns the other cheek, the love that cares for the unlovely, the love that reaches out to the world with the gospel of Jesus in practical caring ways - the love that Jesus Himself modeled for us, here on earth, and that God has always demonstrated through His kindness, mercy, grace, forgiveness, protection, salvation, etc, all through the history of mankind, despite our endless rebellion and self-will - His love that brought Jesus, His Son - God Himself - down to earth as a helpless, "low-born" infant, birthed in a cow shed, and from there through a ministry mingling miracles and personal sacrifice, to the cross of Calvary - and the resurrection, ascension, and the gift of the Holy Spirit! "Amazing love! how can it be, that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?"

Oh dear God, please show us how we can be like Jesus. Please help us to see and obey all the opportunities You present to us to "wash each others' feet."

Dear God, please, work out Your plans for the New Years Eve service.

Dear God, we love You! I love You! Oh, Father God, please make us a truly loving people, a truly loving church - where the loving doesn't end as people walk out the doors following the service.

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