Thursday 12 March 2009

eating and drinking the Lord's Supper un/worthily....

April 4, 2007

I have often wondered what Paul said about not eating the bread of the Lord’s supper unworthily – and then today I was reading Leviticus 7:19-21 and there is the “type” laid out in the Levitical law. Oh, how crucial it is that we be clean and holy before the Lord – and particularly crucial at the time of remembrance of the blood shed and the body broken for us. We are partaking of the sacrifice of Jesus Himself! Indeed, we must live clean, pure, holy lives all the time, but this is kind of the ultimate moment. Wow! Thank You for letting me see this – after how many times I have read it over and over! And to think I was kind of discouraged this morning to think, “Oh no, Leviticus!” But then I remembered I have learned much from it before, so I asked You to really teach me and guide me from it – and of course You did! You are doing Your will! Thank You! In Jesus’ name, amen!

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