Monday 9 March 2009

Church seminar: my life lessons, personal calling statement, my values

September 30, 2001

Abundant Life : my seminar responses:

Life Lessons: Even with my abilities and education, I cannot plan my life and take care of things myself – or let other humans plan it for me! I must give it all to God, totally trust Him, get to know Him intimately through much time in prayer and the Word and worship. I must walk moment by moment. The future is His. His timing is always perfect… God is with me in every situation. He loves me perfectly, and forgives me unconditionally. He provides all my needs, as I trust Him. In the worst events of life, He brings good, and builds my character, and teaches me to know Him and to trust Him alone… It is cool to follow Jesus. I must be the me God created me to be. It doesn’t matter what other people think of me, because God loves me perfectly. All the glory belongs to Him.

Personal Calling Statement: It is my vision to lead other women (and youth!), by preaching/ teaching and practical sharing/ caring, into wholeness and hope through life permeated by faith and love in God alone.

What I value:
1. My relationship with God: prayer, Bible study, worship, walking step by step, trust Him, learning to be the me He made me to be.
2. My relationship with my husband: Oh, Lord, I want it to be God-centered.
3. My relationship with my children and grandchild: Leading my children to Jesus, trusting in His grace and mercy, in an incredible ministry, the most important ministry God has given me (besides my husband).
4. My relationships with other Christians: unity in the body of Christ.
5. My relationships with non-Christians: make me like You, Jesus! Shine through me.
6. Learning new things: a. spiritual. b. secular.
7. Sharing with others what I’ve learned – and sharing my love of learning. Teaching, tutoring, Bible studies, speaking, praise and worship.
8. Experiencing healthy fun and joy through all of life’s pathways.
9. Using the abilities God has given me: writing, researching, teaching, music.
10. Character qualities I want God to develop more strongly in me: responsibility, God’s love (1 Cor 13), flexibility, deep thinking, commitment, honesty, not gossiping, faith in God, submission to God, humility, obedience to God.
11. Things (not too many!): My Bible, my guitar, my old car (and all it’s gas and other miracles).
12. “Jill of all Trades” : practical life skills: cooking, budgeting, recycling, home made items, gardening, fitness, natural health. Titus 2:3-5

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