Thursday 12 March 2009

wondering about getting "tied down" at church...

June 12, 2006

I have been kind of wondering, in a sort of hazy way, the past few days, about getting "tied down" into Abundant Life. So many things happening - the Friday night street meetings, and the Sunday meeting in the park, mom and dad's situation, bartering baby sitting for French learning with ____, even ____'s educational situation, the school not being "ready" in September - and the quite clear sense that I shouldn't take on extra teaching responsibilities.

June 13, 2006

Thank You for Your word about my taking on "leadership." Lord, please raise up women who can do this - by Your strength and through Your Spirit. And please do the same for me in this teaching, and in whatever other places You want me.

You know I've been feeling badly about my lack of submission. As I've studied for this teaching, I have become very convicted - well, shocked - at how unsubmissive I have been - and how little I "got" when I studied this topic before. I can sure see why You held me back! Please forgive me, and help me ask my husband for forgiveness, too.

Thank You, Lord. Amen.
(I love You, Lord!) Amen!

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