Tuesday 10 March 2009

Love the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength! That's it!

January 3, 2004

Today in church a lady gave her testimony. The thing that really struck me is when she said that God showed her that the most important dream we can have is to reach the point where we "love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength." Until we commit to that, do that, begin to live that out, nothing else will work, however good our dreams and visions are.

I see that everything in my life - everything - must be subservient to my total, complete, uncompromised, indeed unshared, #1 love for God my Creator and Saviour. Dear Lord, so let it be in my life.

January 4, 2004

Lord, keep me in Your path, Your purposes.

Yesterday in his sermon, the pastor made a couple challenges that I must follow: First, stop just praying about your "vision statement" and start living it out; and second, If I had unlimited time, money, information and energy, what would God want me to do for Him? That's God vision for me! Listen to God. See it. Start doing it. Do it!

January 5, 2004

Oh Wow! Thank You, Lord for speaking to me. Thank You for really opening my heart to see that it's not my ministry, my gifts, my life "for" You - its YOUR everything. Oh God, make me and keep me humble. Forgive me for my self-centeredness, for my desire (the enemy's desire) for human acclaim and approval and notice. I didn't see it before. It really is all about You!

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