Thursday 12 March 2009

facilitating rather than teaching.... wonderful prayer.. and. Your Spirit is leading, teaching through all

November 8, 2006

Thank You for the amazing prayer meeting - and Bible study - we had yesterday! Wow! We started in prayer (after reading ___'s letter) and we just kept stopping for prayer over and over as we went through the half dozen scriptures we managed to cover (well, that was more than the 2 we covered the week before ). And ended in prayer. Oh Lord, how amazingly Your Spirit is leading, and other women are taking leadership (You through them! :-)) and saying, "Let's pray about that right now" and deciding how long we should take, and referring us to other scriptures and bringing out other Biblical Godly aspects that I had not thought of while preparing the study. So other than kind of getting things going and providing transitions and reading the questions - basically I am "facilitating" instead of teaching - we are all teaching, as Your Spirit works through us - so it is You doing the teaching. Praise God! You "gave" me the "study" - and You are providing the guidance and direction and teaching! It's so awesome! Thank You!

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