Monday 3 September 2012


(Written September 2, 2012, in my journal)

Thank You, Father, for the great conversation at the gathering of Your church, Your family, this morning, out on the deck in the late summer sunshine :-)  (And for the excellent food!)

What I was thinking about on the way home:
If hate is the absence of love...
If dark is the absence of light ...
If evil is the absence of good ...
If falsehood and lies are the absence of truth ...
If injustice is the absence of justice ...
and so on....
And if God is love and light and good and truth and justice (and so on)...
Then all those negative things are the absence of God
(which does fit in with sin being choosing independence from God, eh).

And also means God is real  [Does that follow ... or  does one have to assume God first?  Oh boy... logic...]... anyway, if God is real, then those things which are Him are reality...

And if all that is darkness and evil and absence of God, then they are also absence of reality ... which means (I think?) that they are a false reality, a chosen "reality" which in the long run can only exist as long as people choose it....

And when all people "bow the knee" and acknowledge God, then that non-real reality will cease to exist...

And all things will be renewed, brought back to the "good" they were created to be, the "good" that is God's image.

(Some people would say that eventually all things, all people, all creation, will be swallowed up into God Himself.  I remember a guy who was studying to be a rabbi trying to explain that to me a few years back.  And in a "spiritual" sense I suppose there is something to it.  But can I believe that God is going to uncreate - even destroy - His own "good creation"? )

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