Saturday 7 November 2009

enjoying coffee with Your people

Sept 10, 2009

This morning I did exercises, yay! And I took my usual dozen eggs to Thursday coffee – as well as a mixture of cereals (ha! Hubby and son don’t like using almost-empty cereal boxes) with milk and brown sugar, as well as a few other odds and ends from the cupboard – cookies, a package of pineapple, a can of chicken, some rice cakes, a loaf of bread…. Once again, lots of people turned up, so it was a good thing I took that stuff! Thank You, Lord! L brought extra Tim’s stuff so that was good, too!

Had really interesting conversations this morning, especially with E… and C and P and so on… So enjoyable!  I picked up copies of Perelandra and Out of the Silent Planet from the bookstore to let E read. Lord, please answer the questions of his heart, help him trust in You! Thank You, Lord! And please provide C with the work he needs… and a mat for under his sleeping bag…

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