Saturday 8 September 2012

broken promise!

Yes, I know I promised that I was "caught up" with my postings of the past year - but just discovered one more, scrawled at 3 am, August 18, 2012, inside the back cover of my journal.  I have to admit, it is kind of "3 am-ish" ... but thought I'd share it anyway :-)

We are out of the rhythms (of nature, of creation) that God has created ... our rush, our seeking for success, our "self-reliance," our "independence" in our western society - our "progress" - our "urbanization and technology" ... are not God's way...

We have lost our sense of community with each other, our connection to the land and to creation.

We are driven to succeed and be responsible and "do right" (do lots of STUFF, keep the rules, be "righteous" ... in a Pharisaical way ...

And what does it result in?  Feelings of failure, guilt, hopelessness, depression, anger, blame-laying on others, insecurity, self-loathing, relationship destruction....

We must get back to God - to Jesus - centered - "trust and obey" Him - there's no onther way to be happy, content ... to be who we are meant to be - to be whole - shalom!

It's not just incidents in our own past we need healing from... it's the "beliefs," the "self-talk," the deceptions of the enemy (the false "righteousness" etc) that are passed down to us through generations... that are ingrained in us, that we really have believed, and that have affected our whole lives in all their aspects.

God help us! (we can't...)


Complex is beautiful.
Complicated is messing up.

It's action/ living/ relationships that we need...
Not just talking/ reading/ explaining/ info-giving

Love in action...
Living love.
Life and love are one.

God is Life, Breath, Spirit, Ruach.
God is Love.
God is Holy.
Love is Holy
Life is Holy.
Holy is God's love, God's live.


Remember that song?

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord...
we pray that our unity will one day be restored...

we will walk with each other...
side by side...
guard dignity, save pride...

walk with each other...
hand in hand...
and spread the news that
God is in our land

and they'll know we are Christians by our love.

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