Monday 5 July 2010

help me stop worrying about the tomorrows

4 July 2010

On the way walking here (to street church breakfast), feeling lonely, I realized I've been trying to run things again.

I am being stressed because I am not trusting You. And I've been complaining, too. Not a lot. But any complaining is still wrong.

And Father, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Please. Thank You.

And help me to stop thinking about the tomorrows, please. Just help me walk right here, right now, this day, this moment with You. Help me hear Your voice....

My child,
Welcome back.

(Your arms around me! Resting...)

Okay. I'm tired, Papa. Please let me rest in You. Thank You.

It's nice and quiet and cool sitting on this sidewalk curb, early in the morning, waiting for others to gather in.

Father, please, Your hand, Your Spirit, Your Son, You - here today.

Please pour out Your Spirit and walk among and with us. Now. thank You.

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