Monday 5 April 2010

Why DO we linger afar from His love?


April 5, 2010
We used to sing a song, back in the sixties/seventies, maybe came out of the Jesus People movement. Sang it to the tune of "Blowing in the Wind"... I remember sitting around campfires on the beach, people strumming their guitars, when I was in my early teens... the first time in my life perhaps, that I caught a whiff of a real understanding of Jesus' love, of what He had done on Calvary... more than just a story of an important Person that we were supposed to "believe in" ... and yet, it took me so, so, so long to really really understand that love... and still it just keeps growing... and I just continue to be more and more and more amazed!!! ...
Isn't Father awesome, how patient He is with us, how He just keeps opening our eyes and ears - and hearts! - a little more and a little more (and sometimes a big more) along the way! Even when we are so wrapped up in our preconceptions, and our busyness, and our determination to see and do things our way because we think we are right and we just don't see Him, even want to see Him, sometimes at all, or hardly at all... oh dear... But He keeps on loving me!!!! Oh my!!!
The song went…. (as I recall… slightly different lyrics than google brings up, lol)
“Why did they nail Him to Calvary's tree, Why tell me why was He there, Jesus the Helper, the Healer, the Friend, Why tell me why was He there?
All my iniquities on Him were laid, He nailed them all to the tree, Jesus the debt of my sin fully paid, He paid the ransom for me.
How could He love me, a sinner undone, How tell me how could He care? I do not merit the love He has shown, How tell me how could He care?
All my iniquities on Him were laid, He nailed them all to the tree, Jesus the debt of my sin fully paid, He paid the ransom for me.
Why do you linger afar from His love, Why tell me why do you fear? Jesus the helper, the healer, the friend, Why tell me why do you fear?
All my iniquities on Him were laid, He nailed them all to the tree, Jesus the debt of my sin fully paid, He paid the ransom for me.”
(John M. Moore)
(Why DO we linger afar? We miss out on so much...)

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