Tuesday 29 June 2010

street church gathering - without "the pastor"

June 27, 2010

Ha! I went to bed really early last night (7:45 pm!) but didn't fall asleep until at least 10:30... and kept waking up even after that. Two problems: not used to going to bed that early, and that big tumbler of iced coffee (with a generous scoop of cappacino ice cream) right before going to bed, lol!

Anyway, up at 3 am to make cow patty cookies, pigs-in-blankets, boiled eggs, and 2 thermoses of boiled water (along with tea bags instant coffee, sugar, and whitener) to take to street church. Walked over there, pulling my granny cart, and arrived about 5:45. Some guys were already there waiting. One of them had slept under the bridge that night, and had finally given up, with all the noise of cars overhead, people passing by on the trail under the bridge, and a young couple having a long argument. So they were glad to see me with my goodies, and K who soon arrived with the barbeque and lots of weiners and buns for hot dogs. M and R also came to help out, and altogether about 50 or so people turned up for breakfast.

Pastor Peter was moving someone to the Kootenays, so he was away. The guys really missed him. They are polite and friendly to us helpers, but clearly it is Peter who they trust and confide in. Not surprising; for he has been there for them consistently for over five years. He walks with Jesus, and with them, day by day right on there on the streets. I want to follow his example, as he follows Jesus' example!

I was glad we had a little gathering time at the end of breakfast, even with Peter away. We are learning we don't need our "pastor" there, even though of course we are happy if he is there. But when he is away, the family is still together, because Jesus is our real Shepherd and we are His family. So we don't need a "pastor" to tell us what to do, because we have Jesus in our midst!

C (the pastor of the church whose lawn we use for our street church Sunday breakfast gathering) arrived about 8 am and opened the basement door of the church so we could use the washroom, and make fresh coffee and a new jug of juice. The coffee and juice we had brought had just run out, so his timing (Father's timing!) was perfect.

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