Wednesday 23 February 2011

Jesus is more than I've imagined!

(This is post 11 in a series that starts here).

But Jesus is more than the path to God. More than the door to salvation. More than "just" God's Son. More than "just" our mediator before the Father. More than "just" our High Priest.

(Yes, the Protestant tradition I was raised in had, I'm afraid, a rather strong antipathy, even fear, of anything that might involve the "priest" word, anything that might thereby smack of papacy and all that supposedly goes with it. Sometimes I wonder if that isn't part of the reason that we avoided too much talk about Jesus' role, other than salvation and loving little children. Hm.)

So like Paul says in Colossians 1, Jesus Christ is "first in everything, for God in all his fulness was pleased to live in Christ." And "Christ is the visible image of the invisible God." Paul preached Christ. Christ was Paul's gospel. Father sent His Son to reveal God; and to bring His fallen creatures back into relationship. As John writes, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God... No one has ever seen God. But his only Son, who is himself God, is near to the Father's heart and he has told us about him."

Everything points to Jesus Christ. He is what I have been missing, what I've been circling around, but not fully connecting to. You, Jesus, in Your fullness, are Who I have been missing.

Dear Jesus, please fill me. Please be ALL to me and in me. Dear Jesus, please reveal Yourself to me. Please be the Center, for me, and for Your church.

Holy Spirit, please "turn my eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face." Please let all the other things grow dim to my eyes so that I clearly see Jesus' glory and grace. Thank You, Spirit, for pointing always straight to Jesus, when I've only wanted to see what's "around" Him. And thank You, Father, for showing me Yourself in Your Son.


Mark said...


I am so amazed by His patience, and by His love for us. When we are so far from Him, and so far from where He wants us to be, He gently sustains us, and persistently points us in the right direction. He loves us to much to allow us to continue living in error, rather He gently prods us in the right direction, allowing us to suffer, within reason, while He brings us to Him. As a loving parent He disciplines us, but He disciplines us lovingly! And in the end, we finally come to His glory, to His son, to Christ, and come to a manner of living that we never even saw before!


Norma Hill - aka penandpapermama said...
