Monday 26 April 2010

reactions and questions... from reading "The Misunderstood God" book

April 25, 2010
I really do need to return G’s book (The Misunderstood God) by Darin Hufford. So this morning I photocopied the notes I had take so far (a couple journals ago) and will try to finish my note-taking now. When I first read the book, some of the writer’s statements really kind of knocked the wind out of me. But now as I re-read, I am beginning to understand more clearly what the author is saying.
We do come to all of life’s experiences – including the ideas of others – with our own preconceptions, no matter how broad-minded we pride ourselves on being.
I realize as I read this book again that I really was meant to read it TODAY. As I’ve said before, I don’t hold much stock in “coincidences.” And this is definitely another of those times. What I am reading really does follow up on the “gas miracles” memories (check out my last blog entry)… and my feelings of nervousness, even helplessness, related to my “writing business” (check out the previous blog entries!).
Although I did read the entire book before, there are things I don’t remember. I know when I read the book the first time I was caught up in – even shocked by – the author’s attack on the negatives that religion has fed us – and felt that he had pretty much missed the positive truths of Your love for us – for me!
In the next couple or so blog entries, I’ll be posting some of my questions and comments.
(If you want some input from the writer himself, check out The Misunderstood Godwebsite.)

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